The process to copy is still the same you need to press (Command + C) however, to paste the content, you need to press (Command + Shift + V). This will paste your content and remove all special text font types and colors if necessary. For the simple copy and paste method, you simply need to press (Command + C) to copy your content and then press (Command + V) to paste your content. The second method to copy and paste your content is to paste without formatting content into a textbox. The first shortcut to copy and paste is a simple copy and paste method used by many users regularly.

You can copy and paste content on a Mac OS device using two shortcuts. In this blog, I will go over the various elements of copy and paste shortcuts you need to know of in Mac devices. The copy and paste method with shortcuts enabled is universal and will work for any application you have on your device. However, some people may be unaware of keyboard shortcuts that can help users to improve their work-based functions. Computer shortcuts with the help of a keyboard allow users to be much more productive and get small tasks such as copying and pasting without wasting time.